Disaster Recovery as a Service

Reduce your downtime with Unitrends DRaaS Solution.

Unitrends provides a reliable way to keep your business up and running in the face of disasters. Our Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) solutions are tailored to IT Professionals.

unitrends draas

Effortless Disaster Recovery

Unitrends DRaaS makes disaster recovery as a service effortless. As well reducing the complexity of protecting your critical workloads from threats.

You can rapidly spin-up a virtualized version of your critical systems and applications in the secure Unitrends cloud. All at a cost significantly lower than building and managing your own off-site DR.

We are here to help you 24/7/365

Our team of disaster recovery experts are here to help you with the entire DRaaS process. From installation, recovery of service to failback we have your back.

Unitrends does the heavy lifting

Rapid Recovery is just one call away

Reach out to our US-based customer support team to begin the healing process. They will provide an SSL VPN enabling users to connect to the Unitrends Cloud. Once here your applications will be up and running with your latest data. Once you are ready, we are here to handle failing operations back to your systems when you’re ready.

One call does it all

Remove uncertainty with Automated Backups and Testing

Unitrends can automatically test recoveries weekly or monthly at the application level. We will send you a comprehensive report via email that is easy to understand. This report will also provide evidence that you have met any recovery time and recovery point objectives.

Automatic Recovery Testing

Affordable Data Protection

Unitrends offers flexible cost-efficient disaster recovery options based on how fast you need to recover your applications. You can choose the recovery times that suites your needs. With guaranteed 1 hour or 24-hour recovery for critical applications. Read the Backup and DRaaS Buyers Guide

Affordable Protection

Get Started

Unitrends delivers comprehensive protection for physical, virtual and cloud workloads. Through a simple, unified console, you can easily manage backup, recovery and replication for your entire environment.

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions about Disaster Recovery

DRaaS, or Disaster Recovery as a Service, is a cloud-based solution that provides businesses with a way to recover their IT infrastructure and data in the event of a disaster. This type of service allows businesses to quickly restore their systems after an outage or disaster, minimizing the downtime and reducing the impact on their operations.

In traditional disaster recovery solutions, businesses would typically have to invest in expensive hardware and software to replicate their infrastructure and data to a secondary site or location. However, with DRaaS, this process is simplified and managed by a third-party service provider.

With DRaaS, businesses can ensure that their critical systems and data are protected and can be quickly restored in the event of a disaster.

DRaaS works by replicating critical data and systems to a secondary location, typically in the cloud. This secondary location serves as a backup that can be used to quickly restore services in the event of a disaster, such as a natural disaster, cyber attack, or hardware failure.

The process typically begins with the DRaaS provider working with the business to identify their critical systems and data. The IT service provider will then design and implement a disaster recovery plan that outlines how the data and systems will be replicated and restored in the event of a disaster.

The provider will then regularly back up the data and systems to the secondary location, using a variety of methods, such as replication, snapshots, or backups. The frequency of backups can be customized to meet the business's specific needs and recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs).

If a disaster occurs, the DRaaS provider will help the business failover to the secondary location, ensuring that critical systems and data are quickly restored. The provider will also provide testing and verification of the disaster recovery plan to ensure that it is working effectively and can be relied upon in the event of a disaster.

Overall, DRaaS provides businesses with a cost-effective and efficient way to protect their critical systems. It also ensure that they can quickly recover and resume operations.

Backup as a Service and Disaster Recovery are both backup solutions that help businesses protect their data and systems.

BaaS primarily focuses on providing backup of data, typically to protect against accidental deletion or data corruption. Unlike disaster recovery, BaaS is mainly focused on the backing up of data and can be a slow process to recover.

DRaaS focuses on providing a comprehensive disaster recovery solution that can backup and restore entire systems. DRaaS solutions typically include backup and replication of data, failover to a secondary site, and testing of the disaster recovery plan.

DRaaS offers a more economical, reliable and faster disaster recovery alternative to in-house DR solutions. Some of the key benefits of DRaaS include:


DRaaS can be much more affordable than building your own disaster recovery infrastructure, which requires a large capital investment. DRaaS providers provide the infrastructure and resources for disaster recovery to a secondary site. This ensures significant cost savings in the long run.

Saves time and effort

DRaaS providers manage, update and protect the infrastructure for DR needs, saving you and your team substantial time and effort. Your IT team can use the time and effort typically spent researching, implementing and testing disaster recovery plans for other projects.

Flexible and scalable

With an in-house disaster recovery solution, you may not use some of the storage space but still pay for it. However, with a cloud-based solution like DRaaS, you only pay for what you use. DRaaS is also highly flexible and scalable — you can easily upgrade your service as per your company's needs.

Faster recovery

Unlike traditional disaster recovery, DRaaS solutions ensure a speedier recovery. This means your business can quickly resume normal operations (often within minutes) following a disaster.

Access to expert IT support

Outsourcing DR responsibilities to a DRaaS provider eliminates the need to hire additional IT staff. Reputed DRaaS providers like Unitrends provides 24/7/365 support — just a phone call away if the need arises.

No business is immune to data loss or downtime — a harsh reality. Statista reports nearly 52 million data breaches in the second quarter of 2022.

According to IBM's Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022, the average data breach cost is now $4.35 million. Data loss and downtime can not only cost your business financially but can also bring it to a standstill. Therefore, a robust disaster recovery plan is a prerequisite for businesses today.

DRaaS enables large and small businesses to implement a reliable disaster recovery solution that ensures business continuity no matter the circumstances. Additionally, DRaaS providers do the heavy lifting, reducing the stress and burden on the users. With DRaaS, failover to the secondary DR site is almost instant. This enables businesses to quickly resume operations following a disruptive incident with minimum to no downtime.

Creating a reliable disaster recovery strategy involves several key steps. Here are some important considerations:

Identify Critical Systems and Data.

Identify which systems and data are most critical to your business operations. This will help you prioritize which systems and data need to be backed up and restored first.

Determine Recovery Objectives.

Determine your recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO). The RTO is the maximum amount of time it takes to restore operations after a disaster. While the RPO is the maximum amount of data loss that is acceptable.

Develop a Disaster Recovery Plan.

Develop a comprehensive disaster recovery plan that outlines the steps to be taken in the event of a disaster. The plan should include details on how to restore systems and data, as well as who is responsible for each step.

Choose the Right DRaaS Provider.

Choose a DRaaS provider that meets your business needs and has a proven track record of reliability. Consider factors such as data center locations, data replication methods, and customer support.

Test and Verify Your Plan.

Test and verify your disaster recovery plan regularly to ensure that it is effective and up-to-date. This includes testing backups, failover procedures, and recovery times.

Train Employees.

Train your employees on your disaster recovery plan and their roles in the event of a disaster. Make sure they know how to access critical systems and data in the event of a disaster.

Continuously Monitor and Improve.

Continuously monitor and improve your disaster recovery strategy to ensure that it remains effective and up-to-date. This includes regular reviews and updates to your disaster recovery plan, as well as ongoing testing and verification.

Learn more about what makes a good disaster recovery plan.

Your data is safe and secure in the Unitrends Cloud. All data can be encrypted in transit and at rest. The Unitrends Cloud simplifies compliance requirements and helps your organization meet industry regulations such as SOC 2, HIPAA, and GDPR.

Regular audits ensure that the our facilities and associated systems meet industry standards. These include physical security, encryption levels, network security, configuration management, monitoring and other control areas.

Unitrends Cloud data centers are secure and help customers meet many compliance requirements. Read the Unitrends Cloud FAQ: Safety, Security, & Compliance for details.